September 19, 2003

Walking the Plank

Arr! It's National Talk Like a Pirate Day, me hearties!

Here's a Translator to help ye talk like a pirate, too.

That scurvy son of a bilge rat Ethel has jokes that'll make the saltiest sea-dog blush.

Kevin's sails are slack. He's also gonna make me walk the plank. Arrr! Me might be startin' a Mutiny!

The new deckhands have arrived at Cap'n Bear's an' I'm pickin' me own cabin boy. Git over there, me hearties!

Me First Mate is sharin' his tales. Arrr!

An' what's a pirate without her trusty Parrot? A more loyal companion ye can not find, ye scurvies.

Posted by Jennifer at September 19, 2003 10:11 AM

We heartily thanks thee for the plug, ye most blogolishous wench. We're off for some gratuitous swashbuckling. Likely more swashing than buckling.

Posted by: Bob Whaley-official HISTORICAL parrot at September 19, 2003 05:59 PM

I gave the Translator a try; "inalienable Rights" became "inalienable starboards." mheh.

Posted by: Tuning Spork at September 20, 2003 12:32 PM
