May 06, 2004

*This, That, and the Head of a Cat

I opened a container of chocolate-chip cookies and noticed a nice big chocolate chip all alone at the bottom. So I picked it out and ate it. Sadly, it had the consistency of a raisin rather than a chocolate chip. Happily, it tasted like a raisin. But I can't quite put the nagging thought that it wasn't a raisin out of my mind.

Also, anyone who feels the need to send me links to decapitated cats (or decapitated-anything-else for that matter)--don't.


Posted by Jennifer at May 6, 2004 10:41 AM


Also, anyone who feels the need to send me links to decapitated cats (or decapitated-anything-else for that matter)--don't.

I'll try to control myself, but you know how I get.

Posted by: Jim at May 6, 2004 10:48 AM

I thought it was tastefully done.

Posted by: Pete at May 6, 2004 01:48 PM

Let's face it. You have clearly eaten the corpse of a once large bug.

Posted by: Alice at May 6, 2004 05:32 PM

I'd be crushed if it wasn't a choc chip. That's what they promise when they sell you choc chip cookies.

Posted by: Simon at May 7, 2004 01:05 AM
