June 06, 2004

Ronald Reagan

I thought about a few different ways to post about his death from a historical point of view, but I really don't think I have anything to add beyond what has been covered by other bloggers and the mainstream media.

So I'll editorialize instead.

Ronald Reagan is to the Republicans what John Kennedy is to the Democrats. An icon. A beloved president.

Anyone who would rejoice over his death is immature and, frankly, pretty stupid. John Kennedy died over 40 years ago. Did it mark the end of the Democrats? No. Reagan left office over 15 years ago. Did the Republicans fall apart? No.

Lack of empathy is something leftists love to throw at George W. Bush. Lack of empathy is something a few leftists are exhibiting now.

A man died. A husband died. His wife has been watching him fade away for ten years. His children have watched him forget who they even are.

There are no political points to be made here. You don't have to shed any tears, but show a little humanity.

Posted by Jennifer at June 6, 2004 07:08 PM


Well said, Jen.

Posted by: Susie at June 6, 2004 10:29 PM

Well said. Though I would say that even though conservatives mostly loved Reagan and Liberals mostly loved Kennedy, both were truly loved by the entire nation.

Except for DU.

Posted by: Tom at June 7, 2004 01:19 PM
