June 06, 2005

Selling Out

Well, since I don't seem to have any sugar daddies willing to just buy me a computer, I decided to implement the Google ads. It won't buy a computer, but if enough of you click on the ads that catch your eye now and then, I might be able to buy a book*.

Or, if you feel generous, you can donate via Amazon gift certificate towards the computer/supplies fund.

Okay, that's enough blegging for one week.

* And don't get me started on what a freaking scam college books are, either.

Posted by Jennifer at June 6, 2005 10:15 AM

Watch what you post about clicking on the ads, if you read the agreement with google their militia will hunt you down if you solicit ad clicking... or something like that.

Posted by: Oorgo at June 6, 2005 12:22 PM

So Jen...just what kind of freaking scam are collge books?

Posted by: Victor at June 6, 2005 01:02 PM

I wasn't soliciting that...I clearly said to do that only on ads that catch your eye. As in, ads that interest you that you want to explore further.

And Victor, I said not to get me started. ;-)

Posted by: Jennifer at June 7, 2005 05:30 PM
