June 13, 2005

Bill Week!

I hereby declare this week to be Bill Week on this blog.

Quotes by Bill(s), encouraging you to pay my bills, stories about Bill, etc.

Are you psyched?!

I am accepting Bill Week submissions...if you would like to write a post about Bill, or if you have a link to something Bill-related, you may e-mail me: jenlarson - at - gmail - dot - com.

Posted by Jennifer at June 13, 2005 12:00 AM

Thanks Jen! So nice of you to think of me after all this time! Things are great! Started a new job and all is good. I'll be back blogging soon.

Posted by: Bill at June 14, 2005 08:55 PM

Wow. Guess I'm going to have to petition Websense to move your site out of the Adult Content listing.

Now get busy!

Posted by: Keith at June 15, 2005 12:17 PM
