August 05, 2005

Ruminations on Hydrogen and Oxygen

As I was brushing my teeth this morning, I noticed an unusually distinct smell of chlorine.

And then I remembered one of the bad things about living in Iowa City (where I will be moving in the near future to attend the University of Iowa. Pay attention, people!)...the Iowa City water. It is just plain nasty.

I hope I remember where I put my Brita filter pitcher. It's in a box...somewhere. Filtering the water and cooling it in the refrigerator makes it tolerable. Better than paying for bottled water.

And if it gets too bad, you just mix some Kool-Aid or Countrytime in there. Disguises it real good. ;-)

Posted by Jennifer at August 5, 2005 08:29 AM | TrackBack

I find mixing Johhny Walker Black Label into water makes it taste better too. It helps if you freeze the water first.

Three jiggers of scotch to one ice cube is just about perfect.

Posted by: Wolf at August 5, 2005 11:32 AM

If you can't find your filter, you might try putting it on your Amazon wishlist.

Posted by: Victor at August 5, 2005 07:41 PM

Shoot, when I was your age, we just recycled our own piss. But I guess that was back when life had a little more grit to it you know, when people weren't quite so wimpy.

Posted by: shank at August 8, 2005 07:34 AM
