September 03, 2005


How the far-right religious types are saying Katrina was God's will--smiting the sinners.

How the far-left religious types (who knew?) are saying Katrina was God's will--smiting the sinners.

Except for the definition of "sinners", they're both spewing the same rhetoric.

Now I must shower, because I feel dirty after wading so deep in either direction's (ahem) rhetoric.

Posted by Jennifer at September 3, 2005 10:30 PM | TrackBack

A fundamentalist is a fundamentalist, regardless of which pole they inhabit.

Posted by: Rev. Mike at September 4, 2005 07:47 AM

It takes a very special kind of arrogance for any supposed 'Man of God' to presume that he knows the mind of God well enough to pronounce on why something like Katrina happens....

Posted by: Dr_Funk at September 4, 2005 06:16 PM

In the end, (meaning: very soonly, I trust), we'll see that none of this blather is being taken very seriously.
Fear not. It's only the beginning and reason will prevail. Might take another week or two, though...

Posted by: Tuning Spork at September 4, 2005 07:29 PM

You know, Al Queda and other islamic fundementalists, (I am going to stop there), also are spewing the same hate speech about Allah and Hurricane Katrina killing the sinners.

Although I consider myself religions, I could never trivilize this tragedy as being sent to show sinners the cost of their ways. However, it's nice to see that Muslims don't corner the market on crazy.

Posted by: Craig McGowan at September 4, 2005 10:21 PM
