September 23, 2005

Cheesy Post

Recently, one of the candidates and I drove to the nearby Amana Colonies, where we purchased some wine, cheese, and meat.

We also spent a good five minutes trying to convince some elderly tourists that there weren't any Amish people in the Amana Colonies. I don't think they believed us, even after the wine clerk chimed into the conversation: "They're Germans, not Amish!"

But I digress.

Some 5-year-old sharp cheddar was purchased. I'm a big fan of the sharp cheddar, and can not understand people (like my mom, who is also a native Wisconsinite, so go figure) who are not. HOWEVER, this was the sharpest, cheddarest cheese I ever tasted. It's nearly unbearable. It begs to be baked in...something. It's lovely and crumbly and should be in...bread? Quiche?

I'm thinking quiche. But I am open to suggestions.

Posted by Jennifer at September 23, 2005 01:12 PM | TrackBack

I love sharp cheese but yeah some are so sharp yer tongue is shredded. (nyuk)

What about using it in omelettes etc. THAT would be tasty.

Posted by: Oorgo at September 23, 2005 03:38 PM

C'mon girl, more details about the candidate. Keeper? Would I approve? (Remember, I'm the father of 9 and 6 year old daughters, so in the words of Bill Cosby, I'm beginning to hate men.)

Posted by: Rev. Mike at September 23, 2005 05:41 PM

Sounds a little sharp for quiche. You'd prolly only be able to eat a small portion. The bread idea sounds great!

Posted by: Tuning Spork at September 23, 2005 07:03 PM

Rev--not sure I'm actively looking for a keeper. But this particular candidate (one of a few) is well-mannered, nicely groomed, nearly my age, and should be fairly compensated for his many years of education at some point. If that sort of thing interests you.

Posted by: Jennifer at September 23, 2005 07:17 PM

Now that's what I'm talkin' about. I've been so concerned that with both you and Jennifer Aniston starting to date again that there wouldn't be enough paparazzi to keep up with both of you. ;)

Posted by: Rev. Mike at September 23, 2005 10:08 PM

sharp cheddar...goes nicely in a small wedge shape served with apple pie.

Posted by: Dr_Funk at September 24, 2005 09:18 PM

Cut an apple up into bite-sized pieces, slice an onion and saute together in a little butter. When the onions are soft and the apple is cooked, sprinkle with a little nutmeg and serve with a slice of cheddar melted over the top.

Posted by: Ted at September 25, 2005 04:32 PM

That recipe was good

Posted by: Chris C at September 26, 2005 09:04 AM
