Fun facts from John Adams's inauguration.
1. There was an abundance of tears at Adams's inauguration. People were distraught that George Washington was leaving the presidency.
2. Adams acquired a new carriage to take him to Philadelphia, where he took the Oath of Office indoors at Congress Hall. Washington, by contrast, had ridden horseback from Mt Vernon to New York City eight years previously.
3. Adams wrote his own address, which was a bit on the wordy side. One sentence was over 700 words long.
4. Adams did not have an Inaugural Ball. Instead, he had fireworks and went to bed early.
5. The president-elect did not sleep the night before he was inaugurated. He wrote to his wife, "I was very unwell, had no sleep the night before...was in great doubt whether to say anything or not besides repeating the oath."
6. Adams also wrote to his wife about Washington's demeanor at the inauguration that, "Methought I heard him think ay! I am fairly out and you fairly in! See which of us will be the happiest."
Posted by Jennifer at February 17, 2004 12:02 PM