May 28, 2004

Pass the Vodka

It's funny because it's true...

Jennifer, of the blog Jenlars, spent her early blogging career writing about American history, but has drifted more toward personal entries in recent months.

The funny parts are over there.

Posted by Jennifer at May 28, 2004 09:28 AM

Where do you kids find the time to blog so often?

P.S. Jenny, I ask for cookies and no one ever gives me one. If you have one to spare, please send whole milk too...

Posted by: Todd at May 28, 2004 01:39 PM

It's Friday before a holiday weekend. I daresay blogging will come to a standstill shortly.

Most of the time I blog I'm stealing time from The Man.

Posted by: Jennifer at May 28, 2004 01:42 PM
