January 28, 2005

Kids Today

Recently, I was entertaining munchkins when they asked for popcorn. The air popper was a bit fritzy, but no problem. I got out a lidded pot and vegetable oil.

"Noooo!" came the horrified screams, "We want popcorn!"

"I'm making popcorn," Aunt Jen responded.

After much debate over whether it was possible for me to make popcorn with the apparatus and ingredients I had assembled, the corn started popping.

Hyperactive giggling ensued from the under-five set.

Posted by Jennifer at January 28, 2005 08:12 AM

Microwave popcorn on the stove top. I once tried making a pack of the microwave popcorn i take to work the old fashion way( I didnt have a microwave at the time). Not good at all! Makes an absolute mess. You would think a culinary graduate would know better!

Posted by: daniel at January 28, 2005 08:28 AM

I once tried regular popcorn in the microwave, myself. Some oil, some saran wrap...it worked, but not so great.

Posted by: Jennifer at January 28, 2005 12:23 PM

Aah, the sound of kernals popping in a metal saucepan. That takes me back....

Posted by: Tuning Spork at January 28, 2005 07:41 PM

Imagine if you had pulled out the old Jiffy Pop - remember the little pie pan with the handle and covered in foil that would expand up while it popped?

That would have blown their 21st century minds.

Posted by: Eric at February 7, 2005 12:31 PM
