August 19, 2005

You Make the Call

Okay, boys. Here's a question for you...if you had to wake up in one of these unmade (because who wakes up in a made) beds...which would you prefer?

Option A:


Option B:


Thank you for your participation.

Posted by Jennifer at August 19, 2005 11:02 PM | TrackBack

Um. I strongly suspect that we don't have enough information to make an informed judgement. But, just by the pictures, I'd rather wake up in B.

Bugt that might depend on who else is in it...

Posted by: Tuning Spork at August 19, 2005 11:14 PM


Bugt you knew that...

Posted by: Tuning Spork at August 19, 2005 11:16 PM

Oh man, torn. The four poster looks like a really fun model, lots to do there. But the plain frame looks tore up, like someone really pushed that chassis as far as it would go. Res paribus, the four poster would be preferred, but I've never judged a bed by it's sheets.

Interesting question and all, but WTF kind of question is it.

Posted by: shank at August 20, 2005 12:26 AM

That's one weird-ass question, Jen. But I like the second bed better.

Posted by: Victor at August 20, 2005 05:54 AM

Option B has good places to tie people down.

Oops... Did I say that out loud?

Posted by: Jack at August 20, 2005 05:59 AM

gotta be the first one. it looks comfortable, and i'm sooooo tired. zzzzzzzzz.

Posted by: john at August 20, 2005 07:37 AM

Option B, no question. I could post the mathmatical equation of how I came to this conclusion, based on many factors and possibilities of bed use, but in the end, B is much more aesthetically pleasing.

Posted by: Wolf at August 20, 2005 07:51 AM

There was some maligning of my bed, which was deemed "too girly" I figured I'd get a second (and third, and fourth...) opinion. Thanks, all!

Posted by: Jennifer at August 20, 2005 01:40 PM

"Too Girly"??? Is there something that you're not telling us?

Posted by: Peter at August 21, 2005 07:25 AM

I vote for A, because it looks more like my own bed in the mornings.

Posted by: TheBisch at August 21, 2005 10:50 AM

I favor #2 as well.

But as for the girly comment...isn't your bed allowed to be girly? I mean, you're a girl so yoou sort of pre-qualify for girlitudosity in your accoutrements.

Posted by: Jim at August 21, 2005 06:01 PM

Okay, which bed has the nicest person with whom to share it? I chose the nicer person's bed ... otherwise ... what straight guy cares?

Posted by: RD at August 21, 2005 09:32 PM

I see no one has made the obvious observation: Bed A is not a bed at all... its just a mattress and box spring on the floor. I'm not necessarily opposed to that..I slept on a similar construct for about a year...its just that technically, its not really a bed. Hence, B is the better option.

Posted by: Dr_Funk at August 22, 2005 10:49 AM

Four posters are nice if you want to play little tie-up games :-)

Posted by: Harvey at August 23, 2005 02:27 AM
