August 21, 2005

Iced Tea and Pajamas

I don't have to work today, and classes start tomorrow, so I've just been lazing about in my pajamas all morning. Eventually I'll take a shower and get dressed, but for now it's nice to laze about on a Sunday.

I've finished organizing my folders and binders and whatnot for school tomorrow. Later I'll take another look at the bus schedule to see when I need to be at the bus stop. It's exciting, I know.

One thing I'd never tried until a few days ago was making iced tea.* I think my first attempt was a little weak, but it was drinkable. I finished off that gallon this morning, and tried another one. I let it steep longer, so once it cools off (tomorrow, bleh) I'll see if it turned out better.

* I've only ever used the powder mix-type stuff, but never brewed tea and chilled it and all that. Which is odd, because I love iced tea and order it at restaurants all the time.

Posted by Jennifer at August 21, 2005 12:12 PM | TrackBack

The key is not letting it steep too long. It releases bitter tannins. Iced-tea is a fine way to get the much needed caffine flowing liberally through the body without all the sugar. Unless your in the south. Iced-tea in the south is actually 1/2 pound of sugar heat-disolved into two pints of water. Sometimes a tea bag is added for effect.

Posted by: Wolf at August 21, 2005 06:03 PM

I second Wolf's assertation that what many folks in the south refer to as "sweet tea" is actually a highly caffeinated substance more simliar to pancake syrup in taste and texture than any beverage I've ever had.

Posted by: shank at August 22, 2005 07:47 AM
