September 27, 2005

Wasting Time

When I should be studying for my logic class.

Of course, if I hadn't played Tomb Raider when I was originally supposed to be studying for my logic class, this wouldn't be a problem.

The midterm is next Tuesday. Plenty of time to waste between now and then.

My evolutionary biology midterm is tomorrow. I'll have time to review it before class tomorrow.

My anthropology midterm is Monday. I've already done a decent amount of review.

I'm in reasonably decent shape, but still need to figure out how to write 5 pages on a book that is only about 40 pages of actual text. (The rest is footnotes.) That paper is due Monday.

And I'll be out of town this weekend, so it all must be done before I leave.

Bleh, guess I'll go study logic.

Posted by Jennifer at September 27, 2005 05:24 PM | TrackBack

Write a one page report with four pages of footnotes! ;)

Posted by: Jim at September 28, 2005 04:56 AM


Posted by: Flibbertigibbet at September 29, 2005 08:52 PM
