October 24, 2005

Like a Bunny!

Work yesterday was pretty painless. We were a little busy early on with all the people still leaving town from the Michigan game (which we shall never mention again, thankyouverymuch), but it was fairly quiet otherwise.

I tried on hats. The cool reversible hat I liked did not look very good on me. Apparently there is a $16 white furry Iowa hat around, but I haven't seen it. The girls were saying how soft it is, and I was thinking it was fleece, but apparently it's fake fur or something. It sounds lovely, but I'm not spending $16 on hats this year.

I went to Wal-Mart and bought a $1.42 knit hat instead. I went with white, which always looks nice in contrast to my skin tone and hair, I think.* I normally shy away from white because of the dirt factor, but for $1.42 I decided to take a chance. (FWIW, they also have a white fake fur hat for around $10, I think it was.) So now I have maroon, black, black, black, black, and white hats. Bring on winter.

* I'd post a picture, but that would go against my long-standing policy of not posting pictures of myself. Suffer.

Posted by Jennifer at October 24, 2005 01:03 PM | TrackBack

aww, come on. you can put the hat on a teddy bear or the dog or something; but i'm dying to know what $1.42 looks like... and is that including tax??

Posted by: sis at October 24, 2005 01:17 PM

Dude, if you like white so much how come you own black, black, black, and black hats? Also, a good way to keep your white stuff white - wash it. I never thought it would work either, but I had some bleach and a washer laying around the other day, tried it, worked like a charm.

Posted by: shank at October 24, 2005 01:46 PM

Maroon is always fetching. So's strawberry red. Get some more o'those.

Posted by: Tuning Spork at October 24, 2005 07:25 PM

You wore white after labor day??

Posted by: pete at October 24, 2005 08:49 PM

Pete, certain people where white after Labor Day all the time. Navy officers, for instance, and brides.

Posted by: Victor at October 26, 2005 08:06 AM

And people who don't give a shit.

Posted by: shank at October 26, 2005 08:55 AM
