The co-worker who lowers chairs has struck again. He got the annoying CW I've mentioned on this blog.
He was nearby when it happened, so he got a good laugh out of it, and she declared war.
Of course, she's too slow to think of a way to get him back, so she's been telling the story to everyone who will listen for the last two hours in hopes she'll get some ideas.
Somehow I think the dozens of threats that she'll "get him good" are idle unless I step in to assist.
...the boss is gone today...
***Update: A can of tuna has been deployed. Of course now she's worried about getting in trouble. (rolls eyes)
Posted by Jennifer at June 22, 2004 11:17 AMThe can of tuna frequently does the trick, provided it's well hidden.
One of my favorite tricks! We need another update!
Posted by: Victor at June 23, 2004 08:10 AMRules of engagement for paper wads.
1. Only one shot at time.
Throwing multiple paper wads in a attempt to replicate the so-called shotgun offense is a waste of time and ammunition. It has been well documented that most of these blastsfail to ever hit their intended target(s). Throwing rapid fire well aimed shots is considered good form one example of this is throwing low and then high, this is all but sure to get at least one hit and sometimes 2. Drivebys are also accepatable and encouraged to surprise unlikey victims.
2. Wait until the intended victim is on the phone.
The effect of this is 2 fold. The victim can not readily retaliate and the joy of watching them contol their speech is not easliy matched. Another good time is when they are faking working.
3. Hoarding paper wads.
This is only acceptable if you are actively involved in making them. It is just wrong to hoard others wads. This reduces the ammunition and overall pelting activity.
4. Paper wads: These should only be made from standard letter size paper without any alterations or additions. Packing them tightly they fly best. Exception: Desk calender sheets are allowed but only once a month.
Unspoken Rules
1. Do not shoot unless you accept getting shot at.
2. Always look twice before firing, you never know when Kendall King may be in the area.